Monday, November 14, 2016

My newest invitation to play using numbers and nature. I can't wait for school tomorrow.
Wishing you well,

Thursday, November 3, 2016


Every morning I like to greet my students  to make a connection as part of our Brain Smart Start.  Greetings offer a great opportunity for students to connect with one another and for teachers to connect with students in a fun and playful situation.  One of my students is the greeter each week and giving greetings is a part of our circle time routine in preschool.  Fall is in full swing so  I recently added a few new greetings and these have been a BIG hit. .  

The Bushy Tail:  Two children simply turn around back to back and "shake their bushy tails" like a squirrel.  This is definitely a class favorite and is sure to produce lots of fun and giggles.

Image result for pumpkin clip art

The Pumpkin Bump:   The two children stand side by side and gently bump hips with one another.  As an extension they could put their arms around one another for an added bit of connection.

Wishing you well,