Friday, June 30, 2017

My classroom is full of music

The question I get asked the most often is about the music that I use in my classroom. Here are the answers!!!
I use It Starts in the Heart CD every day. We sing Get Ready, My School Family, S.T.A.R.Song,  and more. This CD is available here:
This is a class favorite. We LOVE and use most of these songs but Greetings and Move and Freeze are our favorites. you can get this CD here ,
and here

This CD I could not go without. We rest everyday to You Can Relax Now but the class LOVES Its Brainsmart Time and Johnny Works with Hammers also. Get this CD here:

We use the I Love Rituals CD's everyday as well. This in HUGE for building connections between students and teachers and students to students. Get it here:

This CD has been huge in children understanding kindness. We sing I Am a Bucket Filler. We used this song in our End of the Year Celebration.
I hope you find this musical playlist helpful.I would love to hear what is playing in your CD player. 
Always, Wishing you well
Caroline King

Sunday, January 29, 2017

I am going to DALLAS

I guess the saying "Time flies, when you are having fun" is 100% true. The last several months have been amazing. I have some super exciting news. I am doing to Dallas, Texas to attend a Conscious Discipline training  on Effective Consequences. I have been to many CD training's but never with Dr. Becky Bailey herself, so I am SO NERVOUS BUT SO EXCITED!!!!
I will post all about it when I return home. 
Wishing you well,
Caroline King

Monday, November 14, 2016

My newest invitation to play using numbers and nature. I can't wait for school tomorrow.
Wishing you well,

Thursday, November 3, 2016


Every morning I like to greet my students  to make a connection as part of our Brain Smart Start.  Greetings offer a great opportunity for students to connect with one another and for teachers to connect with students in a fun and playful situation.  One of my students is the greeter each week and giving greetings is a part of our circle time routine in preschool.  Fall is in full swing so  I recently added a few new greetings and these have been a BIG hit. .  

The Bushy Tail:  Two children simply turn around back to back and "shake their bushy tails" like a squirrel.  This is definitely a class favorite and is sure to produce lots of fun and giggles.

Image result for pumpkin clip art

The Pumpkin Bump:   The two children stand side by side and gently bump hips with one another.  As an extension they could put their arms around one another for an added bit of connection.

Wishing you well,

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

     I am excited to announce that Conscious in Kentucky will be a presenter at the Fall Early Childhood Collaborative Institute in Paintsville, Kentucky on November 4, 2016. This event is hosted by the Ashland Regional Training Center.

  Wishing you well,

Thursday, September 29, 2016

CHOICES can be used as a discipline technique and as a means to help children focus. The clean up announcer, made the announcement. "it's time to clean up" " Ms. Delinda personally got Gabe's attention and told him face-to-face.  The class began singing the cleanup song and putting toys away. Gabe had trouble redirecting his focus from playing to cleaning up. Ms. Delinda said, “Gabe, you have a choice. You may pick up the big blocks first or the little blocks first. Which do you choose?” Gabe said, “The big blocks because I am strong.”
Most children can benefit from using choices as a guidance tool, especially children who need additional structure to be successful. Gabe is a good example. He needs more direction than some of the other children. Since he needs more guidance, the teacher is prone to giving him a lot of commands. “Gabe, get your lunch. Gabe, get in line. Gabe wait until the door is opened.” In his need for external structure from adults, Gabe misses out on some of the choice-making decisions other children acquire on a regular basis.
Instead of constantly directing children like Gabe with commands, we must offer choices. Choices:
👍 Give needed structure
👍 Practice in making decisions
👍 Exercise free will
👍 Build self-esteem
Choices are also helpful with compliance. A teacher is less likely to get resistance with “Katie, you have a choice to sit on the red tape or the blue tape,” than if the teacher simply says, “Katie, it is circle time. Sit down.” Since preschool children are developing autonomy and initiative skills, they sometimes like to assert themselves in response to adult commands. Choices provide the option of complying with adult wishes while still maintaining the “last word,” so to speak.
In order for the adult to deliver choices to children on a regular basis, two things are required.
1. The adult must think in terms of what he or she wants the children TO DO. We have been conditioned to think negativity—what we don't want them to do. “Don't run. Don't talk when I am talking.” "Don’t” thinking is detrimental to giving choices.
2. The adult must give the children two positive choices. Typically, adults have been trained to give the child one “good” choice and one “bad” choice to coerce the child into picking the one the adult wants. For example, children have been given the choice to pick up their toys or lose recess time. This is not a choice; it is a manipulation. A true choice is given when we, as adults, do not care which option the child selects.
This week's Conscious Commitment will help you, the adult, offer two, true, positive choices!
Conscious Commitment:
I willingly create choices for children. I first think, “What do I want them TO DO?” Then, I create two positive options to accomplish that goal.

Examples of Choices that may you keep your Conscious Commitment:
If you want a child to wipe off the table, you could create the options of “with a sponge” or “with a paper towel.”
If you want the child to hold your hand, you could create the options of "with this hand" (show your left hand) or "with this hand" (show your right hand).

If you want the child to go into his bedroom, you could create the options of "fly like an eagle' or "hop like a bunny."
Wishing you well,

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

4 steps for a calmer Preschool drop-off

Are you having a difficult time when dropping your child off at Preschool or a difficult time getting your child ready for bus pick up?
Your preschooler’s body is telling you important information about his feelings. Here's how to help:
1. Provide empathy for his upset
2. Focus on safety
3. Do an active calming technique
4. Do a connection ritual before you leave
EMPATHY Dos & Don'ts
👍 Do say, “Your body tells me you might be feeling scared about staying at school while I go to work."
👎 Don't say, "You're okay."
SAFETY Dos & Don'ts
👍 Do say, "You are safe at school. Ms. Delinda will keep you safe.”
👎 Don't say, "You love Ms. Delinda. You make her feel sad when you cry."
ACTIVE CALMING 👍 Dos - There are no Don'ts! Breathe together using an active calming technique like the 🌟 S.T.A.R.
Stop & smile 😊
Take a deep breath 💨
And 💙
Relax 😎
Practice S.T.A.R. Breathing, frequently, so this active calming technique becomes second nature.
👍 Do establish a connection ritual that you do together every morning at bus time. Or if your child is a drop off, do a connection ritual at school.  Involve the teacher in the ritual if possible.
👎 Don't change it up. Keep it all as consistent as possible.
After the ritual, it is time for you to leave. Breathe deeply and assertively state, “I’ll be back after your snack time. ( Use a specific event , ask your teacher for help) Ms. Delinda will keep you safe. You can handle it,” and pass your child into Ms. Delinda waiting arms.
Instead of feeling bad about leaving or feeling upset about the disruption, envision your child as capable and strong. Walk away, breathing and wishing well knowing you can both handle this.
As always, we wish you well!
